Sears Reports 14 Percent Increase in 2000 Earnings Excluding Non-Comparable Items

Sears, Roebuck and Co. (NYSE: S) reported full-year net income for 2000 of $1.34 billion, or $3.88 per share, compared with $1.45 billion, or $3.81 per share in 1999. Excluding the effect of non-comparable items, net income would have been $1.54 billion, or $4.45 per share, compared with $1.48 billion or $3.89 per share for 1999. Excluding non-comparable items, earnings per share increased 14 percent over the prior year.

Fourth quarter 2000 net income was $442 million, or $1.32 per share, compared with 1999 fourth quarter net income of $740 million, or $1.98 per share, a decrease of 33 percent. Excluding non-comparable items, fourth quarter 2000 net income would have been $639 million or $1.91 per share versus $740 million or $1.98 per share in 1999. Excluding non-comparable items, fourth quarter earnings per share would have decreased 4 percent. The fourth quarter 2000 non-comparable items, which were announced previously, reduced net income by $197 million or $0.59 per share. The non-comparable items include a charge for store closures and an impairment charge related to Sears Termite and Pest Control.

The 4 percent decrease in quarterly earnings per share excluding non- comparable items reflects lower income in Sears retail and credit businesses partially offset by the company's share repurchase program, lower corporate expenses and higher services' income. The unfavorable retail and credit comparisons to last year's quarter are mostly attributable to an exceptionally strong quarter in 1999 as well as soft holiday season sales in 2000.

"We are pleased with the solid earnings per share growth for the year, particularly in light of the industry's difficult fourth quarter," said Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Alan J. Lacy. "However, our businesses delivered inconsistent results. Another strong year of operating income growth in our credit business was offset by a weak fourth quarter in our domestic retail businesses and lower earnings from our Canadian business."


Revenues for the fourth quarter were $12.4 billion, compared with $12.1 billion for the same period a year ago. The domestic revenue increase was primarily due to improvement in the Sears Tire Group, Full-line stores and Dealer stores, partially offset by credit revenue declines. Domestic comparable sales grew by 0.9 percent. Sears Canada revenues increased more than 7 percent largely reflecting the additional stores acquired from Eatons in 1999.

"We experienced solid growth in hardlines led by sales increases in sporting goods, appliances, electronics, and lawn and garden," said Lacy. "The Great Indoors and Sears Tire Group stores enjoyed strong comparable store sales performance for the quarter. In softlines, strong performances in footwear and housewares, and solid increases in cosmetics and fragrances and fine jewelry were offset by soft apparel results."

Revenues in the services segment, which include both Sears Home Services and Sears Direct Response businesses, were $733 million in the quarter, an increase of 3.7 percent from a year ago primarily reflecting higher Home Services' sales. Fourth-quarter domestic credit revenues declined 5.0 percent from a year ago, to $1.01 billion. The credit revenue decline primarily reflects lower Sears Card balances partially offset by growth in Sears Gold MasterCard offered at introductory rates. Average and ending managed receivable balances are slightly higher than last year.

All revenue amounts reflect the application of SEC Staff Accounting Bulletin 101 (SAB 101), which affected the classification of revenue and related costs of licensed businesses. There was no effect on operating income related to the implementation of SAB 101.

Gross margin and selling and administrative costs

Consolidated gross margin as a percent of merchandise sales and services was 27.7 percent in the fourth quarter of 2000 compared with 28.8 percent in the comparable 1999 period. The decrease in the gross margin rate reflects increased promotional intensity in both the U.S. and Sears Canada as well as a lower LIFO credit in 2000 than 1999.

Selling and administrative expense as a percentage of total revenues was 20.0 percent in the fourth quarter of 2000 compared with 19.6 percent a year ago. Improved selling and administrative expense leverage in credit was more than offset by lower than planned holiday sales in retail and Eatons' re-launch costs. Corporate expenses were favorable primarily because of reductions in performance-based incentive expenses.

Provision for uncollectible accounts

In the fourth quarter of 2000, the consolidated provision for uncollectible accounts was $224 million, a 28 percent increase from $175 million in the fourth quarter of 1999. The domestic provision for uncollectible accounts increased by $38 million while Sears Canada's provision for uncollectible accounts increased by $11 million. Last year's quarter benefited from a $48 million reduction to the domestic allowance for uncollectible accounts reflecting substantial improvement in portfolio quality. Although the quality of the portfolio remains strong, the allowance was increased by $25 million to reflect growth in owned portfolio balances. The domestic allowance at the end of 2000 is $649 million or 4.03 percent of owned receivables.

2001 Outlook

"Given the slowing economic environment, 2001 will be a challenging year, particularly in the first half," said Lacy. "We are very focused on delivering solid profit growth for the year. Operating income is planned to deliver mid-single digit growth. Income growth combined with our share repurchase program should allow us to achieve high-single to low-double digit earnings per share growth."

Statements contained under the "2001 Outlook" heading of this release are forward looking and as such involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially. The company's forward-looking statements are based on assumptions about many important factors, including competitive conditions in the retail industry; changes in consumer confidence and spending; the successful implementation and consumer acceptance of Sears Gold Mastercard program, direct-to-customer strategy, and other initiatives; the ability of the company to develop appropriate new sites for The Great Indoors; anticipated cashflow; economic conditions in the United States and Canada such as higher interest rates and unemployment; and normal business uncertainty. In addition, the company typically earns a disproportionate share of its operating income in the fourth quarter due to holiday buying patterns, which are difficult to forecast with certainty. While the company believes that its assumptions are reasonable, it cautions that it is impossible to predict the impact of such factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from predicted results. The company intends the forward-looking statements in this release to speak only at the time of this release and does not undertake to update or revise these projections as more information becomes available.

Sears, Roebuck and Co. is a leading U.S. retailer of apparel, home and automotive products and services, with annual revenue of nearly $40 billion. The company serves families across the country through approximately 860 full- line department stores, approximately 2,100 specialized retail locations, and a variety of online offerings accessible through the company's Web site, . Sears, Roebuck and Co. is the majority owner of Sears Canada Inc.


                                             For the 13 Weeks Ended
                                         Dec. 30, 2000 and Jan. 1, 2000
  (millions, except earnings per
   share)                                   2000        1999*       % Change

          Merchandise and services        $11,296     $10,958         3.1%
          Credit revenues                   1,078       1,130        -4.6%
                  Total revenues           12,374      12,088         2.4%

        Costs and expenses
          Cost of sales, buying and
           occupancy                        8,168       7,799         4.7%
          Selling and administrative        2,471       2,366         4.4%
          Depreciation and
           amortization                       202         219        -7.8%
          Provision for uncollectible
           accounts                           224         175        28.0%
          Interest                            317         313         1.3%
          Restructuring charge                251          (5)          -
                  Total costs and
                   expenses                11,633      10,867         7.0%

        Operating income                      741       1,221       -39.3%
        Other income, net                      29           5           -

        Income before income taxes and
          minority interest                   770       1,226       -37.2%

        Income taxes                         (300)       (452)      -33.6%

        Minority interest                     (28)        (34)      -17.6%

        Net income                           $442        $740       -40.3%

        Earnings per share:

          Basic                             $1.32       $1.98       -33.3%

          Diluted                           $1.32       $1.98       -33.3%

        Average common and dilutive
          equivalent shares
           outstanding                      334.9       373.9


                                             For the 52 Weeks Ended
                                         Dec. 30, 2000 and Jan. 1, 2000
  (millions, except earnings per
   share)                                   2000       1999*       % Change

          Merchandise and services        $36,548     $35,141         4.0%
          Credit revenues                   4,389       4,343         1.1%
                  Total revenues           40,937      39,484         3.7%

        Costs and expenses
          Cost of sales, buying and
           occupancy                       26,899      25,627         5.0%
          Selling and administrative        8,642       8,416         2.7%
          Depreciation and
           amortization                       826         848        -2.6%
          Provision for uncollectible
           accounts                           884         871         1.5%
          Interest                          1,248       1,268        -1.6%
          Restructuring charge                251          41           -
                  Total costs and
                   expenses                38,750      37,071         4.5%

        Operating income                    2,187       2,413        -9.4%
        Other income, net                      36           6           -

        Income before income taxes and
          minority interest                 2,223       2,419        -8.1%

        Income taxes                         (831)       (904)       -8.1%

        Minority interest                     (49)        (62)      -21.0%

        Net income                         $1,343      $1,453        -7.6%

        Earnings per share:

          Basic                             $3.89       $3.83         1.6%

          Diluted                           $3.88       $3.81         1.8%

        Average common and dilutive
          equivalent shares
           outstanding                      346.3       381.0

     * 1999 and 2000 amounts have been restated to reflect licensed business
       operations under SEC Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 101 (SAB 101).
       The restatement reclassified amounts within the statement of income
       but did not affect operating income or net income.

  (millions, except number of stores)

                                               For the 13 Weeks Ended
                                           Dec. 30, 2000 and Jan. 1, 2000
                                              2000        1999      % Change
      Total Revenues:
      Retail                                 $9,242      $9,025        2.4%
      Services                                  733         707        3.7%
      Credit                                  1,011       1,064       -5.0%
      International                           1,388       1,292        7.4%
        Total revenues                      $12,374     $12,088        2.4%

      Operating income as reported:
      Retail                                    452        $719      -37.1%
      Services                                  (36)         73     -149.3%
      Credit                                    357         421      -15.2%
      Corporate                                 (85)       (109)     -22.0%
      International                              53         117      -54.7%
           Total operating income              $741      $1,221      -39.3%

      Operating income excluding
       noncomparable items:
      Retail                                    602        $719      -16.3%
      Services                                   79          73        8.2%
      Credit                                    357         421      -15.2%
      Corporate                                 (85)       (109)     -22.0%
      International                              53         117      -54.7%
           Total operating income            $1,006      $1,221      -17.6%


  (millions, except number of stores)
                                              For the 52 Weeks Ended
                                          Dec. 30, 2000 and Jan. 1, 2000
                                             2000        1999      % Change
      Total Revenues:
      Retail                                $29,743     $28,706       3.6%
      Services                                2,798       2,799       0.0%
      Credit                                  4,114       4,085       0.7%
      International                           4,282       3,894      10.0%
        Total revenues                      $40,937     $39,484       3.7%

      Operating income as reported:
      Retail                                   $689        $841     -18.1%
      Services                                  208         329     -36.8%
      Credit                                  1,522       1,347      13.0%
      Corporate                                (354)       (322)      9.9%
      International                             122         218     -44.0%
           Total operating income            $2,187      $2,413      -9.4%

      Operating income excluding
       noncomparable items:
      Retail                                   $839        $866      -3.1%
      Services                                  323         329      -1.8%
      Credit                                  1,522       1,347      13.0%
      Corporate                                (354)       (301)     17.6%
      International                             122         218     -44.0%
           Total operating income            $2,452      $2,459      -0.3%

                                                 Dec. 30,            Jan. 1,
                                                   2000               2000

       inventories    -LIFO                       $4,941             $4,516
                      -FIFO                       $5,507             $5,112

                            For the 13 Weeks Ended    For the 52 Weeks Ended
                               Dec. 30, 2000 and         Dec. 30, 2000 and
                                 Jan. 1, 2000              Jan. 1, 2000

     Pretax LIFO charge
      (credit)                  $(59)     $(103)          $(29)    $(73)

                                   Jan. 1,                 Dec. 30,
     Domestic retail stores:        2000    Opened  Closed   2000

       Full-line stores                858     11     (6)     863
       Specialty formats             2,153    116   (111)   2,158
               Total                 3,011    127   (117)   3,021

       Gross square feet             146.4    2.6   (1.7)   147.3


  The following credit information relates to the domestic managed portfolio
  of credit card receivables which is comprised of on-book credit card
  receivables, credit card receivables underlying retained interest
  securities and securities which have been sold to third parties.  The
  effective financing rate is based on both domestic on-book debt of the
  company and securitization interest of the Sears Master Trust.

                                      For the 13 Weeks      For the 52 Weeks
                                           Ended                 Ended
                                       Dec. 30, 2000 and   Dec. 30, 2000 and
                                          Jan. 1, 2000        Jan. 1, 2000
                                         2000      1999     2000      1999
  Average domestic credit card
      Managed credit card receivables   $26,262   $26,131  $25,830  $26,595
      Securitized balances sold          (7,442)   (6,527)  (6,779)  (6,476)
      Retained interest in transferred
        credit card receivables          (3,366)   (3,143)  (3,273)  (3,707)
      Owned credit card receivables     $15,454   $16,461  $15,778  $16,412

                                           Dec. 30,    Jan. 1,
                                            2000        2000
  Ending domestic credit card
      Managed credit card receivables      $27,001     $26,785
      Securitized balances sold             (7,834)     (6,579)
      Retained interest in transferred
        credit card receivables             (3,051)     (3,175)
      Other receivables                         59          37
      Owned credit card receivables        $16,175      $17,068

                                     For the 13 Weeks     For the 52 Weeks
                                           Ended              Ended
                                     Dec. 30, 2000 and    Dec. 30, 2000 and
                                        Jan. 1, 2000         Jan. 1, 2000
  Domestic managed credit card
   receivables-                        2000        1999      2000    1999
  Net interest margin:
  Portfolio yield                      19.22%     19.90%    19.68%   19.58%
  Effective financing rate              6.11%      5.88%     5.96%    5.77%
  Net interest margin                  13.11%     14.02%    13.72%   13.81%

  Domestic managed net charge-off
   rate (A)                             4.79%      5.20%     5.12%    6.44%

                                          Dec. 30,    Sep. 30,      July 1,
                                            2000        2000         2000

  Domestic managed credit card
  Delinquency rate                          7.56%       7.47%       7.15%

  Allowance for uncollectible accounts       $649        $624        $725

  Allowance % of domestic owned credit
       card receivables                     4.03%       4.18%       4.46%

                                                 2000                1999
                                              Apr. 1, 2000      Jan. 1, 2000

  Domestic managed credit card
  Delinquency rate                                 7.20%             7.58%

  Allowance for uncollectible accounts              $725              $725

  Allowance % of domestic owned credit
       card receivables                            4.48%             4.26%

  (A) The 1999 domestic managed net charge-off rate includes all of the
      accounts in the domestic portfolio.  Twelve percent of the
      accounts were converted to the new Total Systems Services, Inc.
      ("TSYS") account processing system in October 1998, 38%
      were converted in March 1999, and 50% were converted in April
      1999.  Balances are generally charged-off earlier under the
      TSYS system than under the proprietary system.  For a description
      of the anticipated effects of the TSYS conversion, see Sears quarterly
      report on Form 10-Q dated May 14, 1998.

SOURCE: Sears, Roebuck & Co.

Contact: Peggy A. Palter of Sears, 847-286-8361
